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Poison detection is one of the specialties that have the highest technical requirements and most extensive involving fields in the field of judicial expertise. There are various poisons, drugs, medicines involved by poison detection. Only the commonly seen species can reach hundreds of varieties. Poison detection conducts qualitative and quantitative analysis of toxic substances and illicit drugs by physical or chemical analysis methods. 


Electronic evidence lab of Public Security Bureau / judicial expertise center. Electronic data recovery and analysis is a new category of the current science and technology promoted procuratorial work. It is not only a new identification type, but also an important method and key developing direction of procuratorial organ in the investigating process of self-investigating cases. Electronic evidence lab of Public Security Bureau / judicial expertise center is constructed according to the standard of national identification center. Its main functions involve cell phone forensics, data recovery, identification analysis, password cracking and network forensics, etc, with advanced, sophisticated characteristics.


2.Examination Department is one of the important departments of medical laboratory. It is generally composed of temporary/emergency examination area, specimen processing area, the biochemical immune area, blood analysis area, bacterial laboratory, PCR laboratory, genetic laboratory and radioactive Laboratory of immunology. Under the Examination Department is preparation room, incubation (inoculation) room, routine bacteria room and clean laboratory and the clean laboratory should reach 10000 cleanliness standards. Pay attention to the following points when planning the Examination Department: division of laboratory and external environment, division of light pollution area and heavy pollution area in the laboratory and clean area. Bacteriology Room should be at the end of the laboratory. 



Examination Department is one of the important departments of medical laboratory. It is generally composed of temporary/emergency examination area, specimen processing area, the biochemical immune area, blood analysis area, bacterial laboratory, PCR laboratory, genetic laboratory and radioactive Laboratory of immunology. Under the Examination Department is preparation room, incubation (inoculation) room, routine bacteria room and clean laboratory and the clean laboratory should reach 10000 cleanliness standards. Pay attention to the following points when planning the Examination Department: division of laboratory and external environment, division of light pollution area and heavy pollution area in the laboratory and clean area. Bacteriology Room should be at the end of the laboratory. 



Food examination can be divided into two categories: 1. Product quality inspection; 2. Product sanitation inspection, which is relatively difficult with high investment.


Health projects preparation of food inspecting and testing laboratory / 食品检验检测实验室卫生项目筹建:

Health projects include microorganisms, additives, harmful elements, agricultural residues, animal residues, toxins, etc. 


1. Microorganisms: Microbiology laboratory should be laid out in accordance with the requirements of the specified standards of biological laboratory instruments and equipment. The necessary equipment includes clean workbench, incubator, high temperature sterilizing oven, electric furnace, etc. Other devices are configured according to the specific test items.


2. Additives and harmful elements: Some of the projects can use chemical methods. But to meet with the requirements of the current national standards of food hygiene, you should purchase gas phase chromatograph-hydrogen flame detector, liquid phase chromatography-ultraviolet/visible light detector, atomic absorption spectrometer-graphite furnace detector, atomic fluorescence spectrometer, etc.


3. Residual pesticides: Gas chromatography is needed for detecting residual pesticides. The laboratory should be equipped with electron capture detector (ECD), if you want to detect organic chlorine pesticide. Nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD) or flame photometric detector (FPD) should be equipped to detect organic phosphorus pesticide. Nowadays, there are more and more pesticide-detecting items to be done. In order to improve the generality, purchasing capillary column split-splitless injection port and installing capillary column are suggested. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometer can be purchased for export food processing enterprises to control the quality of raw materials and products.


4. Animal residues: As to detection of veterinary drug residues, there are few detecting items and more batches, so it is suggested that a set of ELISA Reader should be purchased and configured. For export food enterprises that have a certain scale, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometer is a better choice.



Laboratory layout should meet laboratory building design specifications and fire-fighting requirements, office area and experimental area are separated with an access control system between the two areas. Reasonably design main laboratory and auxiliary functions according to the functions of the laboratory. Separate people flow, goods flow and waste flow. Ensure no cross contamination occurs and correctness of experimental data. In the experimental area, emergency shower devices should be installed to reduce the risk of experiment operators.


It can be divided into basic chemical laboratory, synthetic laboratory, pharmaceutical laboratory, preparation and drug release laboratory, analysis and testing center, biological laboratory, vaccine laboratory, animal room and pilot workshop.



Laboratory with constant temperature and constant humidity is a laboratory by some special equipment and technical methods and makes it wet indoor temperature in a certain time and experiment with the requirements of the standard atmosphere.It is a infrastructure which helps the enterprise in the inspection of product quality and the control of the circulation.And it is widely used in textile, wool, chemical fiber, paper, packaging, tobacco production enterprises and the quality inspection, chemical fiber inspection departments and so on. In accordance with the relevant ISO and GB standards, such as textiles, textile materials, paper and cardboard box as the quality of the goods inspection of physics project required in standard atmospheric conditions. In addition to the laboratory with constant temperature and constant humidity, there are other special requirements such as 5-18℃ relatively lower temperature,30-80 ℃higher temperature,relative humidity requirements is less than 40% RH temperature or relative humidity above 80% RH such kind of special requirements.

恒温恒湿实验室是将某一实验室通过某些专用设备和技术方法,使其室内温湿度符合某一调湿和试验用标准大气的要求。恒温恒湿实验室是生产企业的产品质量检验与控制和流通领域里的商品质量检验把关的基础设施。恒温恒湿实验室广泛应用于棉纺、毛纺、化纤、纸张、包装、烟草生产企业以及质检、纤检等部门,按照ISO和GB有关标准规定,纺织品、纺织原料、纸张、纸品和纸箱等 商品的物理项目的检验必需在标准大气条件下进行。除了常规温湿度的恒温恒湿实验室,还有其它特殊的5-18℃低温、30-80℃高温、相对湿度要求小于40%RH低湿、相对湿度高于80%RH的高湿等特殊要求的恒温恒湿实验室。

The overall design and planning of the laboratory with constant temperature and constant humidity:


01.The extent of temperature and humidity contro l / 温湿度控制范围

02.The accuracy of the temperature and humidity control / 温湿度控制精度

03.Cleanliness / 洁净度要求          

04.Lighting requirements / 照度要求

05.The hot humidity range of the equipment / 设备的热湿量范围

06.The system of wind bringing and returning of the airconditioning / 空调送回风方式  

07.The measures of pneumatic balance / 空压之平衡措施 

08.The necessity of introduction of new wind / 引入新风之必要性  

09.The necessity of the exhaust system / 系统排气的必要性  

10.The heat preservation and heat insulation measures / 保温隔热的措施 

11.The equipment and the power configuration / 设施与动力之配置  

12.Electrostatic, vibration and noise / 静电、振动及噪音   

13.The arrangement of the space of the equipment and airconditioning / 设备空间与空调间   

14.In and out of the channel and the buffer of clothes changing / 进出通道及更衣缓冲区之安排 

15.Enough space maintenance / 足够维护保养空间         

16.Ceiling height and floor load / 室内净高与楼板载重  

17.Pollution, pollution and control / 公害、污染与防灾   

18.The measure of installation and operating costs / 安装及运转成本之衡量   

19.The requirements of aesthetic property / 美观性要求         

20.Installation cost/schedule control / 安装成本/工期控制  

21.Operating costs / 运转成本          

22.Maintainability and flexibility factors, etc / 维护性&弹性等因数 

本文网址 : https://bht-lab.com/product/39.html
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