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"Food examination can be divided into two categories: 1. Product quality inspection; 2. Product sanitation inspection, which is relatively difficult with high investment.


Health projects preparation of food inspecting and testing laboratory / 食品检验检测实验室卫生项目筹建:

Health projects include microorganisms, additives, harmful elements, agricultural residues, animal residues, toxins, etc. 


1. Microorganisms: Microbiology laboratory should be laid out in accordance with the requirements of the specified standards of biological laboratory instruments and equipment. The necessary equipment includes clean workbench, incubator, high temperature sterilizing oven, electric furnace, etc. Other devices are configured according to the specific test items.


2. Additives and harmful elements: Some of the projects can use chemical methods. But to meet with the requirements of the current national standards of food hygiene, you should purchase gas phase chromatograph-hydrogen flame detector, liquid phase chromatography-ultraviolet/visible light detector, atomic absorption spectrometer-graphite furnace detector, atomic fluorescence spectrometer, etc.


3. Residual pesticides: Gas chromatography is needed for detecting residual pesticides. The laboratory should be equipped with electron capture detector (ECD), if you want to detect organic chlorine pesticide. Nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD) or flame photometric detector (FPD) should be equipped to detect organic phosphorus pesticide. Nowadays, there are more and more pesticide-detecting items to be done. In order to improve the generality, purchasing capillary column split-splitless injection port and installing capillary column are suggested. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometer can be purchased for export food processing enterprises to control the quality of raw materials and products.


4. Animal residues: As to detection of veterinary drug residues, there are few detecting items and more batches, so it is suggested that a set of ELISA Reader should be purchased and configured. For export food enterprises that have a certain scale, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometer is a better choice.


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