Examination Department is one of the important departments of medical laboratory. It is generally composed of temporary/emergency examination area, specimen processing area, the biochemical immune area, blood analysis area, bacterial laboratory, PCR laboratory, genetic laboratory and radioactive Laboratory of immunology. Under the Examination Department is preparation room, incubation (inoculation) room, routine bacteria room and clean laboratory and the clean laboratory should reach 10000 cleanliness standards. Pay attention to the following points when planning the Examination Department: division of laboratory and external environment, division of light pollution area and heavy pollution area in the laboratory and clean area. Bacteriology Room should be at the end of the laboratory.
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青岛碧海天实验室工程有限公司主要包含实验室建设工程、实验室通风、实验室设计 鲁ICP备17053584号-1 | 网站地图 XML地图